The Magic Letter.

In 5 minutes from now, upon having DEVOURED the secret report below,
you're going to be among an elite group of people who know the secret to
unlocking unlimited thousands of dollars worth of banner advertising for
absolutely zero cost. Whatever you do, DON'T LEAVE THIS PAGE until
you've absorbed this information - the very formula that could change
EVERYTHING for you online...

From The Mind Of: Bryan Winters - 1:34 a.m.

Dear online friend,

I've been doing business online for over 10 years, and have made millions of dollars in ways that I never dreamed of.

But what I absolutely LOVE is the daily opportunity to be
creative by coming up with fresh new ways to profit online, and helping others like YOU do the same...

And that's what this (very) special report is about, because
I'm about to reveal one of my very private, never-released, “sit up in bed” cash formulas... You know, the kind that get your heart pounding and so excited you can't sleep!

I'm also gonna keep this short and to the point, because attention spans are understandably short these days – I realize you just want to know how my
“Magic Letter” works, so that you can start making real money NOW.

One quick thing I wanna point out, however...
What's REALLY EXCITING about this money making method is that the ONLY thing it requires is an email account! ...A free gmail or yahoo account would be just fine. Therefore you can do this from your cell phone, while on vacation, on your iPad, whenever and wherever you want – as little or as much as you want. And your income potential is truly unlimited.

Can you believe how GOOD that sounds?! Well if not, you're going to after I lay out the formula for you right here and now!

Are you ready?!

The Magic Letter Formula Revealed
(In Just 3 Minutes)!

Ok, so the secret to this formula is to act as the middle man between two complimentary websites, where your simple mission is to have the two website owners agree to exchange banner ads.

There are no phone calls or verbal communication required. The “work” is done simply by sending my
Magic Letter to each site!

Let me pause for a minute and tell you what I absolutely LOVE about banner ads. I get commissions ALL THE TIME from banners that I've placed online – some of which I've even forgotten about at this point! The beauty of it is that the income and cash I make from banner ads is
completely automated, hands free income once the ad is placed somewhere online. Banner advertising is a multi billion dollar industry because it WORKS. Flat out.

The hard part for most people is actually GETTING banners placed online without having to pay a fortune. And that's where my formula comes in, because
it enables you to place UNLIMITED banners online for FREE!

Now, the way to start out is by doing some simple research that any Joe Schmoe can do. First off, what you're looking for are two compatible sites that offer an affiliate program for their products, so that you can sign up for them (for free) and get commissions when people click the banners to order. That's right, it's YOUR affiliate link that will be used as the two sites that you find, agree to exchange banners. As will be clearly explained in the
Magic Letter that you send to each site, your “finders fee” is the affiliate commission earned from each sale that results from a person clicking through to a site from one of the two placed banners.

Now, since websites that are offering their own products typically don't want to divert traffic and visitors away from their public pages (especially their sales page), you'll want to propose that a banner exchange be done on the “download” or “thank you” page of the websites that you locate. Or inside their member area, if it's a membership service. I've worded my
Magic Letter to fit this approach...

A simple strategy here is to look for products on affiliate networks such as,, or, since you know they're all going to have very similar “product delivery arrangements”. For example, Clickbank sellers all have “thank you” pages, as they are called, where the customer accesses their product –
the perfect place to display a banner ad!

Another key is to look for websites with
similar traffic or popularity... The affiliate networks (such as usually have information on this, but if not you can check each website's traffic rank on Quick and easy.

Another tip... Look for websites who's products or services are at least somewhat
complimentary to each other. Often, two websites offering “make money” products won't mind doing a banner exchange, but sometimes sellers offering products in other niches are a little more particular. Common sense dictates what two products are good matches. A website offering workout training tips would go well with a website offering diet and nutrition advice, for example.

Isn't this the coolest thing EVER? Yeah, that's what I thought!

A Few More Points...

Just like that, you've already got the basic formula under your belt and are probably already anxious to get out and start contacting sites...

What you're doing here is providing a REAL, valuable service that you can be proud of. Website owners often don't have time, or are simply too lazy, to contact other websites to propose exchanging banners. So your “job” (life is rough!) is to do the task for them, including the very minor research that I detailed above. And the payoff from a SINGLE exchange can last for many months or even years. Heck, if the two sites are popular enough, you could potentially make hundreds of even thousands of dollars a month via arranging a SINGLE exchange.

Once you've found a “match”, which is two sites that you think would be the perfect candidates to switch banner ads in the “backend” area of their websites, you'll want to send my
Magic Letter to ONE of the sites only, and wait for a reply, before sending my letter to the second site. And the reason for this is simply one of strategy. Once you've “locked in” the first website owner in terms of having them agree (by email reply) to the banner exchange, the second site is almost a SURE THING in terms of their acceptance. So I've worded the Magic Letter that goes out to the second site in a slightly different way (but a critical difference none-the-less).

You shouldn't typically have to worry about coming up with the banner ads themselves. Most websites already have banner ads available (for their affiliates to use). And if they don't, they can have one quickly made. I've covered the necessary language for having the websites you're contacting provide their own banner ads, in my
Magic Letter. (Worst case scenario YOU could have a banner made by any so-so graphics guy on for just $5 bucks – vastly cheaper than having a deal fall apart over lack of banner ads, that could otherwise pay you AUTOMATICALLY for months and years to come.

So what do you do when you have arranged a successful deal (which you could potentially even do in your first couple days)?

Well, it's actually very simple once again... Once both sites have agreed to the exchange that you've arranged for them as their personal “banner ad broker” (which is what you're referred to as in my
Magic Letter), you'll continue as the “go between”, by emailing the little snippet of banner ad code that each site owner gives you to provide to the OTHER site. You'll just want to make sure your affiliate link is in the code provided – since once again, you'll be making your money on the automated affiliate commissions earned when people order through the two banner ads being placed online. By the way, my Magic Letter mentions that the website owners will need to provide you with the necessary banner code to complete the exchange.

Note: In the little snippet of banner ad code that each website gives you (to pass on to the partner site by email), they'll typically have their “regular” domain/url in the code. So you'll simply look for that link – i.e., “” - within the banner code, and replace it with YOUR affiliate link, BEFORE sending it off to be placed online by the partnering website. You'll obviously do this TWICE, since your affiliate link will be used for each banner. It really is simple, and if it sounds confusing at all now, it'll sink in immediately once the websites provide you with the banner code.

The Missing Piece.

So there you have it!

Well, almost...

The only MISSING PIECE OF THE PUZZLE is of course, my
Magic Letter!

Hey, a guy's gotta eat, ya know? ;)

But listen, my Magic Letter truly
is special. I spent hours crafting and testing it for maximum response (and I must say it works quite brilliantly)... while still packing in all the relevant information that I've covered above. The tricky part was keeping it short enough so that website owners would take the time to read it (if they don't read it, it's useless!), while still covering all the necessary details, AND most important of all, getting them really exciting about doing the banner swap!

And then there's the subject line of the email, which is CRUCIAL. If website owners don't open the email, you will be wasting your time sending it out to site after site (or having your outsourced worker do it for you).

Trust me, go ahead and try writing the letter yourself if you're up for a challenge. ;) But consider that I've been doing my own copywriting for YEARS - the same copywriting that has made me millions online... And I put every ounce of that experience into the
Magic Letter to ensure it'd get the best response possible...

Access The Magic Letter For Free...

Are you ready for a surprise? Check this out...

I'm gonna make this a complete no-brainer for you by literally putting
ALL the risk on MY shoulders – how's that for a change?...

I've set up a
FREE / ZERO COST trial through PayPal for you just below, so that you can access my Magic Letter without paying a cent up front!

If you wish to
continue using it after receiving it and putting it to the test for up to 7 full days, no action is needed. Simply allow the payment to be automatically processed (by Paypal), and you'll pay just $10 measly bucks for a VERY LIMITED TIME...

I even SPLIT the payment into 2 months (two $5 payments), to make this especially painless.

...If you're really, actually,
truly not satisfied with my Magic Letter, simply login to your PayPal account to cancel the 7 day trial at any time before the billing goes through. So as mentioned, I'm putting my total trust in YOU... If you appreciate the information given freely here, and the Magic Letter itself once in your possession, simply let the one time payment (split in two) go through.

You may or not be aware of this fact, but copywriters charge into the
$100's (HUNDREDS) of dollars for writing a single, short promotional email. And the Magic Letter certainly isn't your typical promo email – it's much, MUCH more. It's essentially an entire MONEY MAKING FORMULA wrapped up in one, single, letter.

And that's why I call it,
The Magic Letter! ;)

Well THERE you have it, my friend. The risk is squarely on my shoulders, and it's “take it or leave it time”. I'd be shocked if you're anything less than PLEASED and EXCITED. As of this moment, you are already equipped with an ingenious new money making system, and just need to grab the keys from me...

Click The Link Below To Access My Magic Letter Now!
(To Be Used Exclusively With The
Magic Letter Formula)


P.S. My cell is 612-384-7654 (ask for Bryan), and you can reach
me or request me on Facebook here. I absolutely, 100% want to hear
about how you do with my formula. It means a lot to me. Btw, if you
scrolled down here BEFORE reading the formula above, you totally just
missed out!! The formula REALLY IS revealed above. The Magic Letter
simply takes care of the UP FRONT WORK that you could either do
yourself, or hire a pro copywriter to do (for $100-200).





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